Where is Chesapeake Financial Shares, Inc.'s common stock listed?

Our common stock is listed on OTCQX under the symbol CPKF.
For more detailed stock information, click here.
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How can I purchase CFS stock?

To purchase stock in Chesapeake Financial Shares, Inc., you will need an account with a brokerage firm that trades in OTC securities. The firm of your choice can complete your transaction or we can assist you and provide additional information:

(888) 653-9088
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How do I sell or transfer Chesapeake Financial Shares stock?

If you would like to sell or transfer your stock, please contact our Transfer Agent by calling (212) 509-4000, or visit 1 State Street Plaza in New York, NY.
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Does Chesapeake Financial Shares, Inc. pay a Dividend?

Yes, consistently for many years. Please visit our Dividends page to see our history of payments.
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How can I request additional information from Chesapeake Financial Shares, Inc.?

You can contact us via our Information Request page.
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How can I receive Email alerts from Chesapeake Financial Shares, Inc.?

To sign up for Email alerts for such events as Press Releases and closing stock price information visit our Request Email Alerts page.
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How do I learn more about the Chesapeake Bank services and locations? How do I apply for a job at Chesapeake Bank?

Please visit our Chesapeake Bank website for all these details.
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